Order Status

Enter confirmation number, order number, or customer last name and zip code to locate your order.

Complete order information can only be viewed if confirmation or order number, last name and zip code match our records.

Contact us at any time about your order at:


Florida Fruit Shippers®
PO Box 530456
St. Petersburg, FL 33747-0456


Fax: 800-847-8936


Search for Order Information

Use the following form to locate your order. Then click the SEARCH button to submit the form.

To view basic status information you must enter one of the following:

  • Confirmation number or
  • Customer last name and email

Please enter either the confirmation number OR your last name and email. Then click the "search" button. The information must match that in the order.


© 1996-2024 Vegetable Kingdom Inc., PO Box 530456, St. Petersburg, FL 33747 All rights reserved.
Florida Fruit Shippers® is a registered trademark of Vegetable Kingdom Inc.